Sunday, December 11, 2011


Amphioxus, pretty much the lamest animal ever.  The beginning of all vertebrates, it has no limbs so it can't really do much. It is essentially a living spine.

Dog Park

I think having a a community dog park is a great idea.  It gives a place for pet owners to take their dogs so that they can roam free, in an enclosed space.  Meet new dogs and just have a super fun time.  It also allows owners to get some fresh air and socialize.  Strangely it also helps to reduce crime.

Mitochondrial Eve

Mitochondrial Eve is my mom's name.  She's really old and dead.  But I do have her mitochondrial DNA so we are related even if we are from a separate continent and there is a few thousand years age difference.

File:Early diversification.PNG

Darwin's Dilemma

One day when Charles Darwin was piddling along looking at animals and pondering about evolution he found a a fossil and said, "Wtf! Where did all these weird animals come from?"  Because the fossils had in no way shape or form any relation to past fossils found making them separate from what looked like the chain of evolution.  And now we have scientists digging them up looking for answers.